View Procedure

Procedure NameCertification of Food Safety management system (HACCP/ FSMS Certification)




Responsible Agency       


Sri Lanka Standards Institution
17 Victoria Place (Lane adjoining Telecommunication Regulatory Commission)
Elvitigala Mawatha
Colombo 08.

Phone: 94 11 2671567-72

Legal base of the Procedure

Sri Lanka Standards Institution Act

Processing Fee

Adequancy Audit Fee    -    LKR 12 500/=

Stage-1 and Stage-2 Audit Fee     - LKR 6 000/= per assessor man-day plus expenses for travel/stay

 Annual Registration Fee

LS 1266 : 2005 (HACCP)  = LKR 60 000/= (Accredited)= LKR 50 000/= (Non-accredited)
- ISO 22000 : 2005 (FSMS)   =  LKR 80 000/= (Accredited) = LKR 70 000/= (Non-accredited)


LKR 6000/= per assessor per day plus expenses for travel/stay of assessor which will be charged at cost.

The VAT + NBT 2% applicable with respect to each item indicated above has to be paid along with the relevant fee.


Required Documents 

No.  Type  Note


Application Form

2 Pre - assessment questionnaire   
3  HACCP plan


Process Steps



Step 1

Duly fill and submit the Application, Pre - assessment questionnaire and HACCP plan

Step 2 Adequacy audit 
Step 3 Make improvements to the Make improvements to the FSMS system
Step 4 Conduct stage I audit
Step 5 Make improvements to the system by correcting deficiencies in stage I Audit
Step 6 Conduct Final Assessment (stage II audit)
Step 7 Submit corrective actions for non-conformities raised in the stage II audit toSLSI
Step 8 Issuance of the HACCP or FSMS Certification


Post Certificate Process Steps

Step 1 Post-Certification Surveillance
Step 2 Annual Registration
Step 3 Re-certification after 03 years




The following form/s are used in this procedure
TitleDescriptionCreated DateUpdated DateIssued By
Application for Certification of Food Safety management system 20-02-201820-02-2018 This is Dowload File
Pre-Assessment Questionnaires form for Certification of food safety management system20-02-201820-02-2018 This is Dowload File
Application for Certification of HACCP management system 20-02-201820-02-2018 This is Dowload File
This procedure applies to the following measures
NameMeasure TypeAgencyDescriptionCommentsLegal DocumentValidity ToMeasure Class
HACCP and Certification of Food Safety management system Technical Regulation Food safety management is another area where SLSI provides certification services to the industry and commerce. A certificate holder develops and maintains its food safety assurance programme based on the internationally accepted principles of ISO 22000 and HACCP.Both Schemes are accredited by RvA, The Netherlands, which is one of the world renowned Accreditation Bodies and also by Sri Lanka accreditation Board (SLAB).Sri Lanka Standards Institution Act31-12-9999Good