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NameRequirements to Change Taxpayer Registration Details.
DescriptionThose who have already obtained a TIN Certificate and subsequently changed the name of their business or the address of the business premises.
CommentsThose who have already obtained a TIN Certificate and subsequently changed the name of their business or the address of the business premises.
Validity From24-10-2017
Validity To31-12-9999
Technical Code
Created Date2018-03-12 13:22:39
Updated Date2018-06-22 14:52:16
Measure TypeGeneral
Legal/RegulationInland Revenue Act, no. 24 of 2017
Un Code


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Procedure to Change Taxpayer Registration DetailsThose who have already obtained a TIN Certificate and subsequently changed the name of their business or the address of the business premisesProcedureView


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