View Procedure

Procedure NameIssuance of Approval for manufacture bottled drinking water facilities



Responsible Agency       


Food Control Administration Unit

Address: Environmental, Occupational Health, and Food Safety, Ministry of Health ( former Ministry of Economic Development), T.B Jaya Mawatha, Colombo 10. (7th floor)

Phone: +94112672004

Fax     :+94112672004


Legal base of the Procedure

Food Act, No. 26 of 1980


Required Documents


Type of documents






Process Steps

Step 1

Submit an application to the Director - Environmental, Occupational Health (or Chief Food Authority (Director General of Health Services) ) with all relevant information and samples

Step 2 Test the samples from the finished products and water sources. 

Step 3

The Director (E&OH) would then refer the application with the test reports to the Sri Lanka Standards Institution (SLSI) through the Chief Food Authority (CFA) for further action.

Step 4

Takes action to assess whether the product complies Sri Lankan standards and manufacturing process complies with the code of practice

Step 5


 Issues a reference number which should be printed on the bottled drinking water label




The following form/s are used in this procedure
TitleDescriptionCreated DateUpdated DateIssued By
Permission to manufacture bottled drinking water facilities30-03-201830-03-2018 
This procedure applies to the following measures
NameMeasure TypeAgencyDescriptionCommentsLegal DocumentValidity ToMeasure Class
Registration of Bottled Drinking WaterPermit Requirement Under the agreement between Health Ministry and SLSI, SLSI is the inspection body who carryout inspections and recommend for granting approval to MOH for registration of Bottled Drinking Water.Audits are arranged for renewal of registration on request of M.O.H.Sri Lanka Standards Institution Act31-12-9999Good
Issuance of Approval for manufacture bottled drinking water facilitiesPermit Requirement Food Control Administration Unit issues approval for manufacture bottled drinking water facilitiesFood Control Administration Unit issues approval for manufacture bottled drinking water facilitiesFood Act31-12-9999Good