View Procedure

Procedure NameProcedure for registration of ownership or change in ownership of rubber lands.




Responsible Agency       


Rubber Development Department

Address: "465, Ganahena Road, Kaduwela Road, Battaramulla Sri Lanka "

"No. 55/75, Vauxhall Lane, Colombo 2"

Phone: 094 011 2889447

Legal base of the Procedure

Rubber Control Act No.11 of 1956 and  Rubber Replanting Subsidy Act No.36 of 1953

Processing time

Three weeks


Required Documents


Type of documents


Land owned by heritage - A Pedigree and the consent of the other partners.


Purchased or a Rewarded land by a deed - The Deed


A leased Private land - The deed of leasing


A land owned by a Testimony case order -  The courts order


Land owned by a lease agreement - The lease agreement


Crown lands owned under any Development scheme - The deed or the permit


 Land size beyond 4 acres -  The Licensed Surveyors Plan



Type of documents


License Number Issued from the department.


Process Steps

Step 1

Applicant should submit a duly filled application form together with the relevant documentation and forward it to the regional office of the  Rubber Development Department in the relevant district where the land is situated.

Step 2

Application is reviewed and processed.

Step 3

Applicant is notified when the application is approved.


This procedure applies to the following:

Registration of ownership           - Should be a cultivated land  not previously registered under the Rubber Control Act

Changes of ownership  - Lands registered under the Rubber Control Act but whose ownership has  changed.




The following form/s are used in this procedure
TitleDescriptionCreated DateUpdated DateIssued By
The regional Deputy director is responsible for this service.22-01-201806-07-2018 This is Dowload File
This procedure applies to the following measures
NameMeasure TypeAgencyDescriptionCommentsLegal DocumentValidity ToMeasure Class
Requirements for registration of ownership or change in ownership of rubber lands.Registration Requirement Registration of ownership - Should be a cultivated land not previously registered under the Rubber Control Act. Changes of ownership - Lands registered under the Rubber Control Act but whose ownership has changed. This measure comes under the purview of the Rubber Development Department.Rubber Control Act31-12-9999Good