View Procedure

Procedure NameProcedure For Registration of Instituitions/ Individuals who export/ Domestically Consume Natural Rubber with the Rubber Development Department, For Levying A Cess on Natural Rubber under the Rubber Replanting Subsidy (Amendment ) Act No. 20 of 2006.




Responsible Agency       


Rubber Development Department

Address: "465, Ganahena Road, Kaduwela Road, Battaramulla Sri Lanka "


Phone: 094 011 2889447

Legal base of the Procedure

Rubber Control Act No.11 of 1956 and  Rubber Replanting Subsidy Act No.36 of 1953


Registration Fee Rs. 1150/-  and  Stamp Fee Rs. 115/-






Provide the details of Identification, if applicant is a company must provide details of Business Registration.


Provide Details as to the Legal Nature of Applicant.


Provide the details about Factories/ Stores.


Provide the Purpose for which the applicant uses the rubber. Applicant must state the type of articles to be manufactured or what other purpose the rubber is to be used for.


Provide the nature of Commercial Activity of the Company.


Provide Details on the Raw rubber usage.


Provide Details of applicants product range and raw natural rubber content.

Required Documents


 Type of Documents


 Duly filled Application


Process Steps

Step 1

Applicant should submit a duly filled application form together with the relevant documentation and forward it to the Rubber Development Department .

Step 2

Application is reviewed and processed.

Step 3

Applicant is notified when the application is approved.



The following form/s are used in this procedure
This procedure applies to the following measures
NameMeasure TypeAgencyDescriptionCommentsLegal DocumentValidity ToMeasure Class
Requirement For Registration of Instituitions/ Individuals who export/ Domestically Consume Natural Rubber with the Rubber Development Department, For Levying A Cess on Natural Rubber under the Rubber Replanting Subsidy (Amendment ) Act No. 20 of 2006.Registration Requirement Registration of individuals or instituitions who import or export raw natural rubber or rubber based products and manufacture rubber based products in accordance with the cess on Natural Rubber Regulation No 01 of 2007 under section 7 of the Rubber Replanting Subsidy (Amended ) Act No 20 of 2006.Comes within the purview of the Rubber Development Department.Rubber Replanting Subsidy Act31-12-9999Good