Request for Certificate of Orgin | This is the form should submit to obtain the blank certificates of orgin | Department of Commerce |  |
Specimen Format to be annexed to the application for used Furniture and Furniture and Handicrafts transported with transport permits. | This is an attachment to be submitted with the Procedure for the exportation of Timber Furniture. | Forest Department |  |
Application for Importation of Export Agricultural Crop Products. | This Application must be submitted to the Ministry of Primary Industries. | Department of Export Agriculture |  |
Application for importation of Mobile Phones / Devices for Personal Use | Only upto 5 units can be imported or brought for the Personal Use. | Telecommunication Regulatory Commision of Sri Lanka |  |
Application to become a Registered Exporter in the EU REX System | For the registration under the REX system | Department of Commerce |  |
Health Certificate To Eu | Application For The Issue Of Veterinary Certificate To EU | Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources |  |
Cost statement for SAARC Preferential Trading Arrangement (SAPTA) | This is the cost statement which can be used to obtain certificate of origin (COO) under SAPTA | Department of Commerce |  |
Cost statement for Asia - Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA) | This is the cost statement which can be used to obtain certificate of origin (COO) under APTA | Department of Commerce |  |
Cost statement for Pakistan-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement (PSFTA) | This is the cost statement which can be used to obtain certificate of origin (COO) under PSFTA | Department of Commerce |  |
Cost statement for South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) | This is the cost statement which can be used to obtain certificate of origin (COO) under SAFTA | Department of Commerce |  |