View Procedure

Procedure NameProcedure to obtain License for Mining of Reserved Minerals


Mining License

Responsible Agency       


Geological Survey and Mines Bureau

Address: No. 569, Epitamulla Road, Pitakotte, Sri Lanka

Phone: +94-11-2886289 / 2886290


Legal base of the Procedure

Mines And Minerals Act No.15 of 1958, as amended by Acts Nos. 33 of 1992, 66 of 2009.






Provide details of the Applicant.


Provide the Details of the License Area.


Provide the details about the type of operation.


Provide the details of the minerals to be mined.


If a mining License has been issued before then the details of that License.


Details on the Mining Operations during the year.


The Recommendation of the Director.


Approval of the Minister or the manager. 


Required Documents


 Type of Documents



2 Copy of the Deed and the Survey Plan.
3 If  the land does not belong to the applicant the legal consent,agreement or an affidavit must be provided. 
4 License fees receipt.


Process Steps

Step 1

Applicant should submit a duly filled application form together with the relevant documentation and forward it to the Geological Survey and Mines Bureau

Step 2

Application is reviewed and processed.

Step 3

Applicant is notified when the License is issued.



The following form/s are used in this procedure
TitleDescriptionCreated DateUpdated DateIssued By
All Licenses in relation to Trading ,Mining, Exploration of Minerals must ensure the necessary Royalty is Paid. 02-02-201802-02-2018Geological Survey and Mines BureauThis is Dowload File
License to explore, for, mine, process and trade in reserved minerals may be granted with the approval of the Minister. 12-02-201812-02-2018Geological Survey and Mines BureauThis is Dowload File
This procedure applies to the following measures
NameMeasure TypeAgencyDescriptionCommentsLegal DocumentValidity ToMeasure Class
Requirements for obtaining License For Mining Reserved Minerals.Licensing RequirementGeological Survey and Mines BureauLicense to explore, for, mine, process and trade in reserved minerals may be granted with the approval of the Minister.All exploration, mining and trading licensees shall obtain the special authorization of the Director of the GSMB to export minerals in respect of which the license is issued.Mines And Minerals Act No.15 of 1958, as amended by Acts Nos. 33 of 1992,66 of 2009.31-12-9999Good