View Procedure

Procedure NameProcedure for registration of a Trade Mark.



Responsible Agency

National Intellectual Property Office

Address :3rd Floor, "Samagam Medura" 400, D.R.Wijewardena Mawatha Colombo 10..

Tel: +94 (011) 2689368


Legal base of the Procedure

Intellectual Property Act, no. 36 of 2003
Fee   Click here for fee


Required Documents


Type of documents


Application along with a Photocopy of the Application.


A representation of the mark


Power of Attorney (if relevant)


Priority documents (if applicable)


Translation of the Mark (if applicable) (certified by a sworn translator where the mark consists of a word or words not in Sinhala, Tamil or English)


Specific requirements relating to 3-dimentional/certification/collection marks are included in the application form itself.


Process Steps

Step 1

Submit an application along with a photo copy and other  relevant documents (as applicable) and forward it together with the prescribed fee to the Intellectual Property office.

Step 2 The photocopy of the application is returned to the Applicant with a reference Number.

Step 3

The Trade Mark application is examined and approved  by the Director General.

Step 4 Applicant is notified by post if the Trade Mark is approved or not.
Step 5 If trademark is not Approved the applicant may appeal against refusal of mark. If Appeal is rejected the applicant can institute Court proceedings if applicant desires. 

Step 6

 If  mark is approved or when the Appeal is accepted  the relevant amount to be paid for publication in Goverment Gazette is notified to the Applicant.

Step 7 Upon payment of publication fee, the mark is published in Government Gazette..
Step 8

If there is an objection within three months from the date of publication in Gazette, an opposition inquiry will be held. If the Opposition is accepted the application is rejected and applicant may make application to court if applicant so desires.

Step 9

And if there is no objections from a third party within three months or if the opposition is rejected after opposition inquiry on the Gazette Publication the Trade Mark applicant has to pay registration fee.

Step 10

Trade Mark is registered and registration certificate is issued. Registration is valid only for ten years from the date of application and it is renewable.



The following form/s are used in this procedure
TitleDescriptionCreated DateUpdated DateIssued By
This is the application for Registration of Trademark.20-12-201721-02-2018National Intellectual Property Office This is Dowload File
This is the application form for Notice of Opposition to Registration 20-12-201726-06-2018National Intellectual Property Office This is Dowload File
This is the Application for Payment For Publication of Trademark20-12-201726-06-2018National Intellectual Property Office This is Dowload File
This is the Application for Renewal of Registration of Trademark20-12-201722-02-2018National Intellectual Property Office This is Dowload File
This is the Application for Recording of Assignment, Transmission or License Contract of Trademark20-12-201726-06-2018National Intellectual Property Office This is Dowload File
This procedure applies to the following measures
NameMeasure TypeAgencyDescriptionCommentsLegal DocumentValidity ToMeasure Class
Requirements for registration of a Trade mark.GeneralNational Intellectual Property Office The exclusive right to a trademark is acquired by registration.Registration is valid only for ten years from the date of your application and it is renewable.Intellectual Property Act, no. 36 of 200331-12-9999Good