View Procedure

Procedure NameChanging Company Address




Responsible Agency

Customs Department

Address: Sri Lanka Customs, No. 40, Main Street,  Colombo 11,  Sri Lanka.

Phone: +94 11 222 1333


Legal base of the Procedure

Customs Ordinance


Required Documentation for limited liability companies 

No.  Type Notes
1.  Request letter Addressed to the Director General of Customs 
2.  Form 13 Notice of change of registered address-Obtained from Registrar of Companies
3  VAT certificate  Obtained from Inland Revenue Department (Required only for Permanent VAT Holders)
4  TIN certificate  Obtained from Inland Revenue Department
5  Deed or lease agreement  business premises relevant to the address in the TIN certificate 
6. Billing Proof relevant to the address in the TIN Certificate Water Bill/Electricity Bill/Sri Lanka Telecom Bill


Required Documentation for Sole-Proprietor & Partnership Companies 

No.  Type Notes
1.  Request letter Addressed to the Director General of Customs 
2.  Business Registration Certificate  
3.  Address Confirmation by respective ‘Grama Niladhari’   
4.  VAT certificate  Obtained from Inland Revenue Department (Required only for Permanent VAT Holders)
5.  TIN certificate  Obtained from Inland Revenue Department
6.  Deed or lease agreement  business premises relevant to the address in the TIN certificate 
7.  Billing Proof relevant to the address in the TIN Certificate  Water Bill/Electricity Bill/Sri Lanka Telecom Bill


Process Steps

Step 1 Hand over Company details and photos of all directors to the customs house agent
Step 2 Uploading the Company details and photos of all directors to Sri Lanka Customs ASYCUDA system 
Step 3 Submit original documents with photocopies to Customs for the registration as an Importer or an Exporter



The following form/s are used in this procedure
TitleDescriptionCreated DateUpdated DateIssued By
This is the application form for Taxpayer Registration (For Company)20-12-201728-02-2018Inland Revenue Department This is Dowload File
This is the application form for Taxpayer Registration (For Individual and Proprietorship)20-12-201728-02-2018Inland Revenue Department This is Dowload File
This is the application form for Taxpayer Registration (For Partnership / Joint Venture / Project)20-12-201728-02-2018Inland Revenue Department This is Dowload File
This is the application form for Registration of a Company21-12-201705-03-2018Department of Registrar of CompaniesThis is Dowload File
Notice of company’s Change of registered office address under Section 114(2) of the Companies Act No. 7 of 200708-01-201822-01-2018Department of Registrar of CompaniesThis is Dowload File
This procedure applies to the following measures
NameMeasure TypeAgencyDescriptionCommentsLegal DocumentValidity ToMeasure Class
Changing Company Address GeneralCustoms DepartmentCompany’s Change of registered office address under Section 114(2) of the Companies Act No. 7 of 2007Company’s Change of registered office address under Section 114(2) of the Companies Act No. 7 of 2007Customs Ordinance 31-12-9999Good