
Invitation for Cinnamon Industry Stakeholders to become members of the Ceylon Cinnamon GI Association (CCGIA)


Export Development Board together with the Department of Export Agriculture (DOEA) wishes to extend a cordial invitation to island wide cinnamon industry stakeholders (growers, processors, traders and exporters) to become members of the Ceylon Cinnamon GI Association (CCGIA) to share the benefits of promoting Cinnamon as the first GI product of Sri Lanka.

Updated on : 15-11-2021

Invitation for Cinnamon Industry Stakeholders to become members of the Ceylon Cinnamon GI Association (CCGIA)

Export Development Board together with the Department of Export Agriculture (DOEA) wishes to extend a cordial invitation to island wide cinnamon industry stakeholders (growers, processors, traders and exporters) to become members of the Ceylon Cinnamon GI Association (CCGIA) to share the benefits of promoting Cinnamon as the first GI product of Sri Lanka.

EDB has completed preliminary arrangements to obtain GI for Ceylon Cinnamon in the European Union and four product categories namely cinnamon cut quills, powder, leaf oil and bark oil have been identified to promote under GI label subject to fulfilling the criteria mentioned in the Ceylon Cinnamon specification document.

The GI process within Sri Lanka to be administered by the National Intellectual Property office and externally controlled by the Department of Export Agriculture. Ceylon Cinnamon GI Association to be engaged in the internal control and self-control by the individual members.

The regional cinnamon growers and processors are kindly requested to contact the district office of the Export Agriculture Department in relevant district to become members of district associations to be established in this regard. For details of district DEA offices please visit

Plantation companies engaged in cultivation and processing of cinnamon, traders and exporters are invited to submit their applications to the EDB for registration. The application could be downloaded from the “announcement” section on EDB website: or DEA website:  Applications could also be collected from the regional office of DEA and EDB.

For more information, please visit


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